You can obtain your Express Estate PlanSM through one of many conveniently located Express Estate PlanSM Authorized Facilitators. The Authorized Facilitators are independent businessmen or businesswomen who are familiar with Express Estate PlansSM, and are able to personally meet with you and assist you in processing your Express Estate PlanSM request.

Obtaining your Express Estate PlanSM involves a simple Three Step Process . . .

Step 1-Select and meet with an Express Estate PlanSMAuthorized Facilitator Representative.

Step 2 – Provide the necessary information to your selected Authorized Facilitator Representative for submission to the attorney who will prepare your Express Estate PlanSM.

Step 3 – Execute your Plan documents once they are sent to you by the attorney.

NOTE: The attorney will have to speak with you by telephone before your Plan documents are prepared. Also, you will have the opportunity to ask questions of the attorney once you receive and review your Plan documents.